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Real Ostrich release & restock + Valentine's Day promotion!

27 January 2025
IG Ostrich

Happy Monday, Gillionaires!

We hope you had a great weekend and are using your Gillios to plan some amazing stuff!

We hope you had time to catch our live earlier today? It was a LOT of beautiful items in one go!

We announced the release and restock of our Real Ostrich leather in 3 models + also a Valentine’s Day promotion!


3 models

  • 223/08 (Pocket Mia Cara)
  • 223/15 (Pocket Compagna XL)
  • 280/02 (A6 Appunto)

in 9 colors:

  • 063: real ostrich iris blue
  • 0729: real ostrich sand
  • 073: real ostrich rust
  • 074: real ostrich gold
  • 075: real ostrich black
  • 008: real ostrich green
  • 082: real ostrich serpentine
  • 089: real ostrich clemaris
  • 0805: real ostrich violetta

As usual, the release of this week will be live & available Tuesday at 2PM CET!

Also, we have a beautiful Valentine’s Day Promotion!

From January 28th, 2PM CET until Friday, February 7th, noon CET, there’s a stunning 25% discount on ALL ITEMS in the following leathers and bicolours:

  • 812 - Epoca Pink
  • 770 & T770 - Epoca Red and Toscana Red
  • 460 - Croco Matte Red
  • 430 - Croco Shiny Lava Red
  • 834 - Croco Eye Red
  • 834/770 - Croco Eye Red + Epoca Red
  • 050 - Real Ostrich Red
  • 465/812 - Croco Matte Grey + Epoca Pink

In the Croco Matte Grey & Epoca Pink, we also released the regular Giramondo, the Giramondo Deluxe, the Slim Appunto and the Pocket Slim Compagna, and these items are immediately discounted as well!

And last but not least - if your order is at least 450 euro, you can choose a belt for free! You can add a belt to your basket - a women’s or a man’s belt, with 1 buckle - and use promocode BELT to get 100% discount.

Happy shopping!


Terms & Conditions of the Valentine's Day Promotions

- these discount codes are valid from Tuesday, January 28th 2025, 2PM CET until Friday, January 7th 2025, noon CET
- the minimum order value of 450€ to receive a free belt, must be IN ONE ORDER for the free gift to be applicable
- the promotion is only valid on new orders;
- the promotion is only valid on new orders placed on 
- the free belt is only valid with an order of at least 450€. If you were to return any of the items you purchased, resulting in your order not meeting the criterium of the minimum order value of 450€, you are obliged also return the free belt, or keep it and pay for it / have it's value deducted from the refund of the returned item(s).
- if you cancel a previous order to re-order with this promotion, please note that your order goes back to the end of the queue and the item reserved for you goes back in stock; we cannot guarantee that it will still be available for you when your new order is processed;
- IMPORTANT: make sure you fill out all the fields of your order correctly, and use the correct discount code. We cannot make any changes to incoming orders. A request to add a discount code afterwards, change an address or phonenumber or add a different pen for example, will result in cancellation and refund of your order so you can re-enter it.

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