Happy Chinese Newyear! -8% discount sitewide
16 February 2018
As we love to learn about all of our customers around the world, their holidays and celebrations inspire us just as much. With the start of the Chinese Newyear, we wanted to give ALL our customers worldwide (not only the ones celebrating!) a little celebratory gift: -8% discount on our entire website, no discount code necessary! All of our items have been discouted for you and are available for purchase at adjusted prices for 24 hours only.
So - still debating whether or not to buy that medium Compagna? Had your eyes on a handbag for a while, but hesitated to purchase? Looking for a wallet that matches your planner & handbag? Wait no more - this discount is only valid for 24 hours!
We thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Chinese Newyears celebrations worldwide, and reading up on their unique traditions. The colourful 'Spring Festival' for the upcoming Year of the Dog will last 11 days (until the 26th of February), followed by the 4-day Lantern Festival!
If you're curious to learn more, we suggest the very helpful website https://chinesenewyear2018.com/ to read up on anything related to this unique celebration.
Happy Chinese Newyear, Gillionaires!
Terms & conditions:
- the promotion is valid from 10 AM CET on Friday, February 16th until 10 AM CET on Saturday, February 17th, 2018.
- the promotion is only valid on new orders placed on www.gillio.eu - not valid in our retail stores;
- the promotion is only valid on in-stock and full-priced items; not valid on already discounted items such as the Good Deals Corner.
- if you cancel a previous order to re-order with this promotion, please note that your order goes back to the end of the queue and the item reserved for you goes back in stock; we cannot guarantee that it will still be available for you when your new order is processed;
- IMPORTANT: make sure you fill out all the fields of your order correctly. We cannot make any changes to incoming orders. A request to change an address or phonenumber or add a different pen for example, will result in cancellation and refund of your order so you can re-enter it. Please be mindful of this and check your data thoroughly.