Improvements on the Gillio website!
12 April 2017
After receiving valuable user feedback from our customers, we have been working hard on the improvement of our website to make sure your shopping experience on is pleasant, smooth and easy.
We're happy to give you an update on two new features that have been implemented this week!
(If you don't see these features when browsing our website, you might need to clear your cache memory)
1 - See which items are still in stock
When browsing our collections, it wasn't very easy to discover which colours of a specific model were in stock at that time. You had to click every colour individually to see if there were items available. To make this process easier, we added simple colour indicators: red means out of stock, green means in stock.
For example, if you were browsing for a medium Mia Caras, you might see this:
You can very clearly see which colours are still available.
We hope this improvement will make your shopping experience more pleasant!
(Don't forget to keep registering your email address on the out-of-stock colours: this way you are notified of a restock & it gives us a clear indication of what items are most desired and ned to be produced!)
2 - Clear overview of your order at checkout
We are implementing more ways to make sure that you can double check your order thoroughly before you pay, to insure that nothing needs to be changed afterwards. Firstly, our new website (compared to our old one) improved our ordering process tremendously. Orders are processed quicker and more automated. Because of this automation (like creating the mailing label automatically when the order is placed) don't allow us to make changes to orders anymore (like change the colour of an item).
Secondly, to protect your privacy and your personal data, we cannot make any changes to addresses anymore after the order either. We have no way of verifying if a person contacting us to change an order, is indeed YOU. So any data filled out during an order is final.
We have therefor made sure that you get a more complete and comprehensive overview of your order before you pay. We will ask you to double-check everything and accept the entered data as final.
You're able to see all of your chosen options: combined shipping, free ballpoint pen, your request for pictures, any remarks, promotional codes etc. where applicable.
An order confirmation screen may look like this:
You will be asked to confirm everything is correct:
This way, we can process your orders even quicker and we can ensure the safety of your personal data (address etc).
We hope these improvements will make your shopping experience better and we keep working on the usability of our website.
Thank you all for your valued feedback!