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RESTOCK: Personal Wide Compagna

26 october 2020
IG personal wide

Happy Monday, Gillionaires!

We hope you had a great weekend, are still all healthy and safe, and had time to catch our live earlier this morning!

We anounced the long awaited restock of our Compagna Personal Wide!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 2PM CET, we are restocking our beautiful Compagna Personal Wide in these colours:

  • 452 croco matte charcoal
  • 810 epoca aqua
  • 774 epoca gold
  • 780 epoca anthracite
  • 773 epoca rust

We also anounced the restock of croco matte blush!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 2PM CEST, we are restocking our beautiful croco matte blush in these models:

  • 224/02 medium Compagna
  • 223/15 pocket Compagna XL
  • 280/02 A6 Appunto
  • 281/02 A5 Appunto

Happy shopping!

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