Release: B6 Appunto Zip!
12 December 2022
Happy Monday, Gillionaires!
We hope you had a great weekend, are still all healthy and safe, and had time to catch our live earlier this morning! It was REALLY special - and we know a lot of Gillionaires are going to be excited!
We announced the release of a new model in a whopping 14 colours: the B6 APPUNTO ZIP!
After the great success of the A5 and A6 Appunto Zip, it was about time we rolled out the model in B6 as well!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 2PM CET, we are releasing this brand new model in these colours:
- 770 Epoca Red
- 773 Epoca Rust
- 776 Epoca Burgundy
- 777 Epoca Orange
- 804 Epoca Grey
- 810 Epoca Aqua
- 812 Epoca Pink
- 818 Epoca Peach
- 826 Epoca Cloud
- 832 Croco Eye Grey
- 833 Croco Eye Purple
- 469 Croco Matte Blue
- 451 Croco Matte Bubblegum
- 452-821 Croco Matte Charcoal & Epoca Pistaccio
We also announced the extension of the Holiday Promotion:
Just like last week, the A6 and now the B6 Zip Appuntos DO count towards the number of items in your cart, but DON'T count to be discounted. Their prices will remain unchanged.
Happy shopping!
Terms & Conditions
- these discount codes are valid from Monday, December 12th 2022, 2PM CET until Monday, December 19th 2022, 2PM CET
- you can only use one discount code per order; your order will immediately be cancelled and refunded if you use more than one code;
- the 2, 3, 4 or more items must be IN ONE ORDER for the discount to be applicable
- the promotion is only valid on new orders;
- the promotion is only valid on new orders placed on for end-consumers - not valid in our retail stores - not valid for our dealers;
- the discount codes are only valid on in-stock items;
- if you cancel a previous order to re-order with this promotion, please note that your order goes back to the end of the queue and the item reserved for you goes back in stock; we cannot guarantee that it will still be available for you when your new order is processed;
- IMPORTANT: make sure you fill out all the fields of your order correctly, and use the correct discount code. We cannot make any changes to incoming orders. A request to add a discount code afterwards, change an address or phonenumber or add a different pen for example, will result in cancellation and refund of your order so you can re-enter it.
- The A6 Appunto Zip is NOT discounted in the promotion. It does count for the number of items in your basket, but the promotion won't be applied on those items. The promotion is valid until next week's live!
IMPORTANT: if you return part of your promotional order, your total discount might change and affect your refund.
For example:
You purchase 4 items, each costing 250€. Your total order is 1000€.
You use code XMAS3 for -25% discount on 4 items or more.
Your order total is now 1000€ -25% = 750€.
You receive your order and decide to return one item.
We receive your return and process your refund. This is the calculation:
You now keep 3 items (each costing 250€ at full price).
You are no longer entitled to the -25%, but are entitled to the -20% discount on orders of 3 items
We calculate: 3 x 250€ = 750€, -20% = 600€
You paid 750€ for your first order; 750€ - 600€ = 150€
You receive a refund of 150€
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